Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3/25/14 Tuesday

My luck today:
I figured I don't wanna wake up at 6.30AM today to go for a run (walk-run really) and then head to 9AM lecture, 'cause later classes start at 12 so I skipped the lecture and woke up at 9 and went for the walk-run.
Later, my friend told me the lecture was cancelled.

So yeah
5KM run-walk - alright.
Met new people. They seem to be cool...?
It was really good! A Disney movie, yes, but really good!

Don't jugde, until you've seen it. That's all I'll say.

Just a pic of the day. The sky looked incredible. 

Now sipping at my tea.
I love tea.

I had some hard times today.  Looking for an apartment can give you anxiety.
Or a headache in a mild case.
I'm all stressed out about it. Though we still do have a lot of time to find it.

Anyways, a wise person told me today what ends up as a quote of the day

"Hard road leads to beautiful destinations."

Goodnight then.
And remember: tomorrow's a new day :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you. And you know ... Everything's gonna be alright ! And stuff like that ;p Okej, byyyyeeee <3
